
Showing posts with the label offering our thoughts

Grieving People Need More than Your Thoughts

OUR THOUGHTS GO OUT - SIMPLE POLITICAL NONSNESE The sharp ache of missing Mom ailed me again as I dreaded her absence at upcoming gatherings. Though it’s been over two years since Mom went home, some moments make our loss feel like it was yesterday.  Remembering the time that’s passed underscores God’s faithfulness through his people who have shouldered our family’s pain. It makes me want to do likewise. As the body of Christ, we can do more than just “think of” those grieving this Christmas. We can seek to comfort them like Christ comforts us. Here are five practical ways. 1. Ask about their grief. The Bible explicitly tells us to “weep with those who weep” (Rom. 12:15). If we’re to take that instruction seriously, we’ll seek to anticipate the times our brothers and sisters are weeping. We know weeping is likely as the holidays approach and traditions highlight gaping absences in our homes. But what should we do if our grieving friends or family never bring up their loss? Keep in mind