
Showing posts with the label perfectionism

John Wesley believed - experience confirms scripture doctrine

Wesley used his observations of contemporary experience and his reflections on the lives of past Christians to shape his understanding of God’s will, he nevertheless held God’s Word as ultimate and authoritative. He refused to consider seriously any teaching unless it could stand its ground under the pure light of revelation. No Christian leader has ever been more faithful in bringing all observation, experience, and rational conclusions to the Scriptures for final judgment. “If by catholic principles,” he said on one occasion, “you mean anything other than scriptural, they weigh nothing with me. I allow no other rule, whether of faith or practice than the Holy Scriptures.” At the same time, he insisted that God’s truth was given to us to be translated into life and could be if it were received and believed.  Therefore, to understand salvation fully, one must take into account the knowledge of God given to those who were honestly seeking His will and experiencing His grace; any v