Who was born - Man or Father a created being?
“It’s a Christmas miracle!” This exclamation permeates the holiday season from Hollywood to New York City and everywhere in between. While pop culture’s use of this phrase ranges from humorous to heartwarming, the true miracle of Christmas often goes overlooked. The Incarnation of the Son of God surpasses every miracle that has or will ever occur. It defies human comprehension in a way no other miracle can Because of its profundity, many Christians fail to appreciate how magnificent this miracle truly is, leading to a defective view of what it means that the Word became flesh. As we celebrate this miraculous event in just a few short days, let’s reflect on the true meaning of the Son of God becoming the Son of Man. One way to improve our understanding of this significant biblical teaching is by refuting what it does not mean. Throughout church history, many errors have arisen regarding the Incarnation. The first error is believing that the Incarnation is the birth of the fir...