
Showing posts with the label possession

Spiritual authority

As believers, we have been given authority over demons. The only way demons can get a stranglehold of us is when we deliberately and persistently walk in sin. If a believer encounters what he thinks is a true manifestation of demon oppression or possession, he has the authority and the power of the Holy Spirit to expel that demon power. If you or someone you know does encounter a person you suspect is demon possessed , you should call upon a trusted mature believer to aid you, and gather at least two or three together to pray for guidance in the situation. There are certain signs of demonic possession to look for when trying to determine if a demon is at work in someone. A sure sign of demonic possession is someone empowered with incredible strength. Demons will often energize people in this way. An example of this is found in Scripture, in the story of the Gadarene demoniac in Mark 5. This man had been bound with heavy chains and broke them; no one could subdue him due to the

Do you own your possessions or do they own you? - John Piper

Take an inventory of your life. What do you own right now? Whatever possessions you have are no accident, and not a product of mere happenstance. At the micro level, Jesus promises to care for even the minutest everyday details, like pocket money and food and clothes. As we see in Scripture, in these small possessions, God calls us to live with moral standards because we are susceptible to sinning our way into big problems (like unreasonable consumer debt). God calls us to be wise with money and to work and live economically fruitful lives, and to be careful with our possessions. At the macro level, all wealth distribution and re-distribution is the work of our sovereign God (Ecclesiastes 5:18 –6:2). All of our possessions are his, and he gives (and takes away) as he sees fit. God makes the poor and he makes the rich (1 Samuel 2:7). So how does God decide to distribute wealth in the lives of his creatures? This plays out in many different ways. God may give you many posse

Demons want to destroy people

Destruction of the bodies and souls of men is another major area of demonic activity. Physical problems that demons can inflict include dumbness (Matt. 9:33), blindness (Matt. 12:22), crookedness of limbs, paralysis, and torturous diseases (Mark 3:10; Acts 8:7; Luke 13:11, 16). Mental derangement is also within their power (Mark 5:4–5; Luke 9:37–42). The moral impurities of the Canaanites seem to have been traceable to demon activity (Lev. 18:6–30; see also Deut. 18:9–14), and we know that Satan can tempt believers to immorality (1 Cor. 7:5). The war against the souls of men was illustrated by our Lord in His teaching about the worthlessness of self-reformation (Matt. 12:43–45). The believer is in a constant spiritual warfare, his enemies being Satan and his demons (Eph. 6:12). Notice that this verse teaches the organization and ranking of demons and “their world-wide way over the present … spiritual and moral darkness.”59 In the Tribulation period, the destructive power of demo

Demons promote false doctrine

“But the Spirit saith expressly, that in later times some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, through the hypocrisy of men that speak lies, branded in their own conscience as with a hot iron; forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by them that believe and know the truth” (1 Tim. 4:1–3, ASV). The expression “in later times” refers “to a period future to the speaker.… In the apostasy of the present the inspired Apostle sees the commencement of the fuller apostasy of the future.”56 Thus demonic doctrine has been increasing and will continue to increase in the church, reaching a climax at the end of the age. LIARS OF NEW MORALITY That this false system of teaching originates from demons is clear, but the text also says that it is promoted through men who speak lies . Comparing this passage with 1 John 2:19 and 4:3, it appears that demonic spirits directly emp