How should I view my sin?

The fall of Adam and Eve is quite possibly the most forgotten, under-appreciated, and misunderstood event in history. For this reason, many in our day preach “salvation” but neglect to preach sin; many talks about Christ but fail to talk about conviction; many offer testimonies about renewal but forget to mention repentance. In our post-postmodern society, our colleges and universities, you might get away with talking about Jesus with a Muslim; you might be able to have a great conversation with a Jewish friend about Christmas; you might be at liberty to say “God bless you” to an atheist; but don’t you dare mention a word about that awful, three-letter word sin. SIN THE FORBIDDEN WORD It is certainly true that sin, Satan, and spiritual death are among society’s dirty words, and you dare not speak them in polite company lest you incur the wrath of the most outspoken, self-appointed, religiously correct person present. To the gospel’s great misfortune, if it could know such misfortu...