
Showing posts with the label pre-tribulation

Controversy for 50 years

John Piper Decades of Controversies Here’s part of the glimpse I gave them into my fifty-year history of dealing with unexpected issues. But let me say at the outset that I won’t focus on race and abortion as one of those issues because they’re pervasive.  For the last decades of my life, I have lived every decade with issues of race that need to be addressed and issues of abortion that need to be addressed. So, understand that those are huge issues, and the fact that I don’t mention them in the list doesn’t mean they’re absent. It means they’re everywhere. The 1960s: History and Criticism In the 1960s, I was coming to terms with the controversy surrounding fresh historical arguments for the factual resurrection of Jesus Christ. Daniel Fuller’s Easter Faith and History was published in 1965. Wolfhart Pannenberg was making waves with his 1968 book Revelation as History, where he argued that the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth was a historical event as real as your getting out of bed t