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Why Did God Create?

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen. [Rom. 11:36] Why did God create the world? One of the most foolish answers advanced is that God was lonely and needed someone with whom to have fellowship. The doctrine of the tri-unity of God utterly opposes any such idea. God has eternal fellowship within himself, and has no need to create anything. Creation results completely from his sovereign will. Others said the purpose of creation was to prepare the way for redemption: God created it and predestined the fall of humanity so Jesus could redeem the world. This notion looks pious, since it focuses on Jesus and his work, but it is inadequate to explain God’s purpose as the Bible sets it out. Looking at Genesis 1, some have said that the purpose of creation was to provide a world for human glory and happiness—that humanity is the crown of creation so that the world was made just for people. This distorts the truth that humanity was created