
Showing posts with the label progressivism

We are seeing Samson's sin today

  God’s people kept falling back into sexual sin during the days of the Judges, and the pattern continues to this day with the constant lure of wealth, power, success, pleasure, comfort, sex, indulgence, and pornography. These same demons are powerfully at work in our culture, continuing to seduce God’s people into evil and sin.  The rise in everything from worship of the environment (as our sacred goddess Mother); to greed that worships the demon Mamon in everything from crime to skyrocketing debt; to murder of the innocents, starting with the unborn; to the mainstream acceptance of pornography, polygamy, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, transgenderism, and every other sexual deviancy, is all the work of Baal and Asherah waging spiritual warfare that manifests in our physical world. The liberal, progressive, woke, and mainline Protestant “churches” that fly rainbow flags and celebrate tolerance, diversity, and Pride Month are filled not with the Holy Spirit but with unholy spirit

Progressive Culture - run or stand?

Andrew T Walker Given the state of our culture, what I’m about to say may sound incredibly counterintuitive—maybe even bordering on the absurd. Nonetheless, I am left with the conviction that at this present cultural moment, there has never been a better time to be a social conservative. Given the advanced state of moral debauchery in mainstream American institutions, how could I possibly say something like that? I can say that because truth finds a way to reassert itself when we learn what is false. And what is most patently false about the time we live is the belief that we can continue to sustain ourselves walking the same hollowed-out pathway that we’re currently continuing down. It’s impossible. When we look at the declining marriage rates, the rise of what we call the “loneliness epidemic,” the transgender madness transgressing the very limitations of reason and nature, the increase in suicidal ideation, and preborn human beings discarded as “medical waste,” we see the reality.