
Showing posts with the label prophesying

What does the Bible say about women teaching and prophesying?

One recurring question regarding women in the church goes something like this:  What does the Bible say about women teaching and prophesying?  The follow-up question is usually, And what does that mean for us now? LET’S START WITH DEFINITIONS Teaching : Imparting truth to another person. The truth can be spiritual in nature, explaining things of God, but also practical in applying Gods word to life. Prophecy: A direct message from God, mediated through an individual and directed at a person or group, intended to elicit a specific response. As the spokesperson of God, a prophet held great spiritual authority with the people. Forthtelling: Exhorting the audience to obey God, encouraging them that God would save and provide for them. In the Old Testament, prophets were truth-tellers, often blended their speeches with foretelling and forthtelling.  In the New Testament, prophecy is listed as one of the most desired spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12) and is generally understood to include fortht