
Showing posts with the label reflection

Can I see God?

One of those most frequently brought forward is the apparent contradiction between John 1:18, where we read, “No man hath seen God at any time,” and Exodus 24:10, where we are told that Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel “saw the God of Israel. ” (There are also other passages in which men are said to have seen God.) Now this certainly looks like a flat contradiction, and many besides skeptics have been puzzled by it. The solution of this apparently unanswerable difficulty is in reality very simple. We must remember first of all that two statements which in terms flatly contradict one another may both be absolutely true, for the reason that the terms are not used in the same sense in the two statements. For example, if you should ask me if I ever saw the back of my head, I might answer, “No, I never saw the back of my head,” and this statement would be strictly true.  Or I might answer, “Yes, I have seen the back of my head,” and this statement would

The right attitudes we need as we study the Bible

1. Heartfelt Gratitude and Joy One of the most important experiences of my life was when we met indigenous people in Woorabinda in Queensland. We did some outreaches, children's ministry and spoke to the locals. Then we read books on Bible translation work happening in the Northern Territory. It took 30 years to translate the Bible with two separate teams performing the task. They had a group of non-Christian indigenous women who helped the white translators. The most amazing part of the story was not only there a great celebration upon the completion of the Bible, but these women were saved during the process of translation and knowing the Bible intimately they became pastors. Imagine devoting decades of your life lives so that other people would have the Bible in their own language?  People at the ceremony were weeping because they were able to read a Bible in their own language for the first time. There are still thousands of people groups who do not have translations of t