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Your life is built on what?

In Matthew 7:24–27, Jesus tells us about someone’s house:  “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”  Jesus goes on to say that when the rains, winds, and floods came, the house survived. I’ve often wondered what style of house Jesus is describing in this passage. In all likelihood, the ancient people who heard Jesus teaching that day would have thought of their mud and clay homes. Perhaps you think of your childhood home or the house you live in now. Everyone’s house is different .  Even ancient mud and clay homes differed from one another. They had different sizes, different decorations, and different locations. But in Jesus’ metaphor, the house is meant to point to one’s life. This house is something we’re always building as we become who we are. What’s more, our lives are different from one another. Therefore, every life represented as a house in this passage will look different. We Christians are born in di