
Showing posts with the label save

Why would God bother to save?

MOTIVE: WHY DOES GOD SAVE? John 3:16 “For God so loved the world… The “For” links this verse to the previous verses where Jesus predicted his death by crucifixion so “that whoever believes in him may have eternal life” (John 3:14-15). So why did Jesus need to be lifted up on the cross? Because God loves the world that much. Oh, the confidence we can draw from God’s motive! If God loves me that much, then there’s nothing for me to fear. God created humans in his image to love intensely so that we can understand what this verse means. If you love your spouse or your kids or your pet or your country, that’s good. That experience is what gives you a category for what God means when he says he loves you. But you need to expand that beyond anything you could ever feel. God’s motive defines our relationship to him. God has strong affections for you. God has great concern for your wellbeing. God has deep desires and designs for your good, for your joy, for your maturity. And he doesn’t wait to