
Showing posts with the label sayings

Odd sayings from worship leaders

In which a crusty old curmudgeon rants a little about annoying song leader banter. Don’t take this too seriously , except maybe do. 10. Are we ready to have fun this morning? The answer is, “Probably not.” When this is your welcome at the start of the music time, it tells me where your head’s at. Nobody goes to church to have a bad time, of course, and I’m sure plenty of people go to “have fun,” but is this the point of worship? Is “having fun” where you want hearts directed as you lead people to exalt God? No, it’s where you want hearts directed when you’re just trying to “crush your set” or “rock it out for Jesus” [see #5]. “Are we ready to have fun?” is just slightly worse than this next common opener: 9. How’s everybody feeling? If I wanted to stretch to justify this statement, I could say that what you’re asking the congregation to do is self-reflect on their spiritual condition and present their real, whole selves honestly and submissively to the glory of Christ as you lead them