The Battle of science or politics?
A doctor’s refusal to release a study showing no benefit of so-called “gender-affirming care” for children proves, once again, that the push to sterilize and mutilate minors is about following an agenda, not science. Following the “science" can be about leveraging authoritative positions to bully people into preordained outcomes, even as actual science pointed elsewhere. Today sees “science” justifying the barbaric medical procedures dubbed “gender-affirming care,” which is liberal speak for pumping kids with puberty blockers and hormones under the guise of boosting their emotional happiness. But when a taxpayer-funded study set out to validate the ideology’s core premise, it backfired spectacularly — leaving the lead researcher desperate to bury the damning results. Wrong Hypothesis Enter Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, one of the loudest proponents of so-called gender-affirming care. Olson-Kennedy herself spearheads the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at the Children’s H...