
Showing posts with the label share

A Cowards guide to Evangelism

For years, I’ve written articles and books about evangelism. On the surface, this looks like a desire to help foster evangelism in the Christian community. And it’s true; I do desire that. But on a deeper level, it stems from working out my internal angst concerning evangelism. How do I present the gospel honestly and boldly without needlessly offending? How do I ensure I don’t slip into heresy by adding or subtracting from the gospel? When do I need to remember that the gospel is offensive to those who love their sin and rebellion and that their distaste for the gospel has nothing to do with me at all? Can you identify with this inner struggle? After decades of asking myself questions like these, I'd like to offer seven suggestions for you to keep in mind as you consider how to get started in evangelism. 1 1. Sweep away misconceptions in your head about evangelism. It’s easy to listen to well-meaning believers and get the wrong idea about evangelism. The mistaken ideas are almost

Meal Above All Meals

Has the Lord’s Supper become humdrum for you, something you do mindlessly, something you’ve simply done for years? Is it something that you do as you travel down the path of least resistance, something that is routinely passed to you so you figure you might as well? Luke tells us that it is so much more. His account of the Lord’s Supper ( Luke 22:7–30 ) provides us five magnificent reasons why this meal is above all others. 1. It Is Rooted in Redemption Are you in need of forgiveness, of deliverance, of grace? This meal is for you. Its roots extend deep into the history of God’s people and the riches of God’s character. Luke’s account makes clear that Jesus celebrates a Passover meal ( Luke 22:8 , 11 , 13 , 15 ), recalling God’s deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt. We’re reminded that God is eager to save his people ( Psalm 86:5 ). And even as Jesus observes the Passover meal, he elevates it, claiming that it’s ultimately about his own imminent death. Jesus himself is the L