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Do you preach - without a pulpit?

“Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.” ( Acts 8:4 ) Every believer has been called to preach God’s Word, not just pastors of churches. When Christ gave the Great Commission to “preach the gospel to every creature” ( Mark 16:15 ), it was clear that this could be accomplished only if every Christian would actually preach the gospel! This was practiced first by the members of the church at Jerusalem. Then, when the believers were “all scattered abroad . . . except the apostles” ( Acts 8:1 ), these “laymen” went everywhere preaching the Word. One of the “deacons” selected to relieve the apostles of the “business” affairs of the church was Philip, and he “went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them” ( Acts 8:5 ), speaking to great crowds and winning many to Christ. Then shortly afterward, the Lord called him down to Gaza where he met an Ethiopian eunuch, and he “preached unto him Jesus” ( Acts 8:35 ). This teaches plainly th