
Showing posts with the label shift

Spiritual Decline happens slowly

Romans 12:11 Not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Spiritual erosion happens slowly but surely, like water cutting a channel through rock. By mid-thirties, the believer who started out with zeal in adolescence is on the verge of complacency. The heart once stirred by the Scriptures is now indifferent to them. Such decline happens so subtly that you are often unaware of its deadly work. It usually comes through these almost imperceptible means: A gradual shift from devotion to performance . Christ commended the church at Ephesus for their ceaseless labour but admonished them for neglecting their “first love” (Rev. 2:4 NASB). Spiritual attrition is inevitable when your passion for Christ becomes secondary to your deeds. A gradual change from commitment to convenience. Faithfulness in little things is the stuff disciples are made of. When your relationship with Christ is structured to fit into your tidy agenda, spiritual decline sets in. Christ demands your all—b...