
Showing posts with the label shining lights

Your murmurings reduce your shining light

Do everything without murmurings, complaining, disputes and arguing, 15 so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.( Philippians 2:14-15 ) The Holy Spirit makes sure that we do not take lightly the obligation to live godly lives. This “list” contains both warnings and promises. Everything is to be done without “murmurings” and “disputings.” Both words are very interesting synonyms of heart attitudes that produce ungodly behavior. The Greek word translated “murmur” is goggusmos, and it is almost an onomatopoeia (sounds like what it actually is)—a secret debate, muttering to oneself. The “dispute” (Greek dialogismos) suggests a logical debate with oneself. We are commanded to remove that kind of behavior from ourselves so that we may well be blameless and harmless as the “sons of God,” living “without rebuke.” These words are powerful in their description of God’s expecta