
Showing posts with the label sound mind

The Power of a Sound Mind

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” ( 2 Timothy 1:7 ) The gift spoken of in the previous verse is based on a transfer of authority from God, and we are exhorted to “stir up” that gift ( 2 Timothy 1:6 ) because God did not give us a “spirit of fear.” The word fear (deilia) stresses timidity or cowardice, not terror. The gift does not function well if we are too timid to use it. The gift referred to is not power. That spiritual gift comes with dunamis—the innate ability to do the gift. Whatever the Holy Spirit has gifted us with upon our entrance into the Kingdom ( 1 Corinthians 12:11 ), that gift comes with the power necessary to implement and use that gift. The gift also comes with love. Again, love is not the gift. It is only part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit that comes with the gift. Were it not for the reflection in us of the unilateral and sacrificial love of our Redeemer, these supernatural gifts could well be misus