Did the universe self create?

The first sentence of sacred Scripture sets forth the affirmation upon which everything else is established: “ In the beginning , God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). Three fundamental points are affirmed in that first sentence of Scripture: (1) there was a beginning; (2) there is a God; and, (3) there is a creation. One would think that if the first point can be established firmly, the other two would follow by logical necessity. In other words, if there was indeed a beginning to the universe, then there must be something or someone responsible for that beginning; and if there was a beginning, there must be some kind of creation. For the most part, although not universally, those who adopt secularism acknowledge that the universe had a beginning in time. Advocates of the big bang theory , for example, say that fifteen to eighteen billion years ago, the universe began as a result of a gigantic explosion. However, if the universe...