
Showing posts with the label the end

Is this the end?

Is this the end? Our world is in turmoil. Civic unrest is occurring across the world. We are still facing a pandemic that is frightening as much for what we don’t know about it as what we do. The world economy is shattered. Visions of apocalypse dance in our heads. Even non-Christians can hardly describe COVID-19 without invoking the notion of judgment. Sarah, Duchess of York, for example, is convinced that Nature itself is judging us. She recently tweeted that  “Mother Nature has sent us to our rooms . . . like the spoilt children we are. She gave us time and she gave us warnings. She was so patient with us. She gave us fire and floods, she tried to warn us but in the end she took back control.”  It has been hard for people to process what is going on around them in any other way. Catastrophe is in the air. “In Revelation, God is opening up (revealing!) his wonderful plan for the ages.” Is God judging the world?  Are all the troubles the world is currently f

Let's talk about hell

Hell is a real place. Currently, there are millions, if not billions, of people there burning in excruciating pain. They are real people. They lived on the same earth as us and now will be in hell for eternity. This truth should make you squeamish. It should make you uncomfortable, and suppressing this truth is not only foolish, but it is harmful to your soul. Here are four reasons not to ignore hell, but to think about it often. It will make you humble At the moment of salvation, we were all humble. The realization that we deserved hell because of our sin propelled us to trust in Christ . We admitted to our Creator that we deserved His wrath. We completely understand the fact that there is no one currently walking around Heaven who believes that they deserve to be there. We also equally understand that there is no one in Hell who doesn’t deserve to be there.  For some reason, though, we continue to struggle with humility. The humility we displayed on the day that