
Showing posts with the label theories

Four ways they dismiss Christ's resurrection

Not surprisingly, since the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most significant event in world history, numerous alternative theories have arisen seeking to convince people of something other than a supernatural miraculous historical event. There are four primary alternative theories, none of which is compelling.             1. Jesus did not die on the cross but merely swooned. Some have argued that Jesus did not, in fact, die on the cross but rather swooned or basically passed out and therefore appeared dead. This is also what the Muslim Qu'ran teaches as fact. Regarding this claim, theologian John Stott has asked if we are to believe: “…that after the rigours and pains of trial, mockery, flogging and crucifixion he could survive thirty-six hours in a stone sepulchre with neither warmth nor food nor medical care? That he could then rally sufficiently to perform the superhuman feat of shifting the boulder which secured the mouth of the tomb, and this without disturbing

What is the atonement of Christ?

VARIOUS ATONEMENT THEORIES OF CHRIST - SOME ODD! SEVERAL prominent theories have been presented, as to the atoning work of Christ , and the method by which God pardons sin. 1. The lowest of these is the Socinian . This proceeds on the principle that God is pure benevolence, that vindictive justice is incompatible with his character, and that upon mere repentance, God can and will forgive the sinner. The work of Christ , therefore, is regarded as one in which he simply reveals or makes known pardon to man. Nothing that he has done secures it, because he had nothing to do to this end. It was already prepared in the benevolence of God’s nature, and is simply now made known. [Symington on the Atonement, pp. 2 and 3.] The advocates of this theory explain away all that the Scriptures say on the subject of Christ’s death for us, by maintaining that his life and death were mere examples to us of the manner in which we should live and submit to God. In their view, therefore, Christ i