
Showing posts with the label theory

Are the Bible’s Stories True? Archaeology’s Evidence

Are the Bible’s Stories True? Archaeology’s Evidenc e Michael D. Lemonick December 18, 1995  In another part of the world, it would have been a straightforward public works project. A highway was too narrow to handle the increasing traffic flow, so the authorities brought in heavy equipment to widen it. Partway through the job, however, a road-leveling tractor uncovered the opening to a cave no one knew was there. Work came to an immediate halt, and within hours, a scientific swat team descended on the site to study it. That’s the law in Israel, where civilization goes back at least 5,000 years, and a significant archaeological find could lurk under any given square foot of real estate. Almost every empire since the beginning of Western history has occupied these lands or fought over them, or at least passed through — Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Turks, Crusaders — leaving behind buildings, burial places, or artefacts. This is why there were about 300 active digs

Lucifer is a different being from Satan?

The most popular belief about Satan’s fall is based on the Bible in Isaiah 14:12 (KJV): “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer son of the morning!” The passage goes on to say that Lucifer tried to raise his throne above the stars and become like the Most High, but God cast him down to the depths of the pit (Is 14:13-15). This passage is often compared with Ezekiel 28:11-19, which allegedly speaks of Lucifer as the king of Tyre living in the Garden of Eden. He was a beautiful cherub angel, but God said to him, “Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings” (28:17). Some even claim that Lucifer was the choir director of heaven based on the names of instruments listed in the King James translation of Ezekiel 28:13. Hence popular theory has it that Satan, as Lucifer, fell at the beginning of creation. The Bible, however, never directly affirms anywhere that

The Gospel and the Protests

In conversations about race, too often we treat disagreement as evil, and we attribute the worst motives to those who disagree with us on complex issues. This is the way the world responds to disagreement, but Christians should be different. What follows are some balancing principles to remember in the wake of George Floyd’s tragic death, and the current turmoil that has come as a result of it: To grieve and lament over the tragic death of George Floyd is not an affirmation of the cultural narrative .  Jesus wept over Lazarus but for different reasons, which were unbeknownst to the on-looking professional mourners (Jn 11:35).  The issue is how and why we grieve.  Satan has always attempted to infiltrate the Church and lure her away at points where the world seems to share a common cause (2 Cor 11:14-15).  He is both a liar and a murderer from the beginning (Jn 8:44).  He is behind George Floyd’s death, and he is also behind the cunning cultural narrative that exploits George F