
Showing posts with the label transgressions

When we deny our sin

Proverbs 28:13 “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” Although many people try to deny their sin and suppress their guilt feelings, no one can totally escape the weight of transgression. We cannot finally escape the truth that we have broken God’s law and stand under His just condemnation (Rom. 1:18–3:20). We have missed the standard that our Creator has established for us and have incurred a debt to Him that we cannot possibly repay (Matt. 18:21–35; James 4:17).  Sin and guilt are real, and the only hope we have is to find the real answer to our fundamental problem of estrangement from God. Happily, Scripture gives us a real answer to our problem—namely, real forgiveness. Humanly speaking, we see how sin weighs on others and know how it can burden our own consciences. The ramifications of sins committed years ago can last into the present. Parents feel remorse for their failures. As people approach death, they