
Showing posts with the label trust Jesus

According to your faith

“Do you know the most challenging verse in the Bible? It’s where Jesus said, ‘According to your faith, be it done to you.’” And my friend repeated those words slowly: according to your faith. What a holy challenge and invitation! “Where is your faith?” Perhaps He is speaking to you as well? Let me share some of them here with you. What is Faith? Faith is taking God at His Word. Faith is saying, “I trust You.” Faith is not being moved by circumstances, feelings or opinions. Faith is believing in God and God alone. Faith gets out of the boat at the Lord’s command, ready to walk on water, and faith does not sink. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him. The double-minded man receives nothing from the Lord. Mountains only move when we believe and do not doubt. It is the prayer offered in faith that makes the sick person well. According to Your Faith To the blind, Jesus asked: “Do you believe that I can heal you?” To the distressed father of the demonized boy, Jesus said: “All things

Are you a believer?

Have you come to put your full confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you understand that you have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God? Do you understand that two thousand years ago upon the cross, Jesus Christ was lifted up to die for sinners; that He died in the place of all those who will call upon Him; and that through His death and through the shedding of His blood, He has made the only atonement for our sins by which we may find full and free acceptance with God?  Have you come to repent of your sins—to turn away from a life of independence and autonomy from God? Have you come to confess and acknowledge that you have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God? Have you come to commit your life and surrender your life to the King of Kings and to the Lord of Lords—this risen Christ? He is the Good Shepherd, and all of His sheep He will safely transport to heaven one day. If you have never believed upon Jesus Christ, if you have never called upon His name, I urge you