
Showing posts with the label twin towers

Nostradamus and Obadiah's prophecy

The Frenchman Michel de Nostradamus lived from 1503 to 1566. He was by profession an apothecary—a hybrid chemist and drug dealer. In 1550 he published an almanac with zodiac predictions that were all the vogue, and for some reason are still found in magazines today, known as horoscopes. He fancied himself an astrologer but was so bad at doing the zodiac calculations that he usually insisted that his customers hire another astrologer to do the calculations of their birth year and zodiac charts first and then he would merely interpret them. He got quite good at describing the future predictions in such a way that people could in retrospect see how his words fit their situation. These predictions were so vague they could not be understood except with hindsight. He was the forefather of the “You will meet a tall dark stranger” prediction – just before his gullible client gets run over by a brown horse and everyone says, “Aha! Nostradamus predicted that.” In his lifetime Nostradamus became

Is God sovereign

This year will mark 20 years since two passenger planes plunged into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. It was the most widely witnessed, large-scale terrorist attack the world has ever seen.  Metaphysical questions were being raised on radio talk shows and on TV. Of all the questions, the most haunting one was the topic of a Larry King Live interview. Larry King assembled a panel consisting of prominent Muslim, Jewish, and Christian leaders, as well as New Age pundit, Deepak Chopra. His question: “Where was God on 9/11?” It was a question of sovereignty. Is God in control of everything or not? Here are some of the answers offered by the panel of religious experts… DEEPAK CHOPRA: God is infinite creativity, infinite love, infinite compassion… God is not the problem, Larry. It’s our ignorance about our inseparability with each other and our tribal instinct. We’ve sacrificed God. We’ve made a brand name out of God, and we’ve gone to war. … the name of God is not “God.