
Showing posts with the label ultimate cause

God is the ultimate cause of everything?

Below are some foundational biblical/theological teaching on the decree of God. We will look at passages of Scripture that speak of God’s decree as eternal, unconditional, unchangeable, and exhaustive. As a result, we can conclud that God is properly said to be the ultimate cause of all things. In numerous passages throughout the Bible, there are places where Scripture speaks of God’s “purpose” ( Acts 4:28 ), His “plan” ( Ps 33:11 ; Acts 2:23 ), His “counsel” ( Eph 1:11 ), “good pleasure” ( Isa 46:10 ), or “will” ( Eph 1:5 ). In one way or another, each of these designations refer to what theologians call God’s decree. The Westminster Confession famously characterizes describes God’s decree as follows: “God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass.” So in those instances where Scripture speaks of God’s purpose, plan, counsel, pleasure, or will, these passages are referring to the divine de