Zacharias- what went wrong?

Poor Zacharias. How like ourselves he was. His faith was not up to the standard of his prayers. He has prayed for years; now his prayers are to be answered and he cannot believe it! ‘I am an old man’, he says to Gabriel. There is something sad and plaintive about it. ‘I am Gabriel’, the angel replies, and charges him with unbelief. From the very presence of God the holy messenger had come with the answer to his prayer and he will not believe. How many of us can see ourselves mirrored in it all. This is not just doubt on the part of Zacharias . It is unbelief, and for a God who desires the trust of His people unbelief is offensive. Zacharias is stricken dumb and verse 62 will indicate that he was deaf also. He tarried in the temple and the people waited. He then appeared to them, speechless. They assumed a vision. He beckoned to them, unable to communicate, and eventually he returned to his home in the hill country. Now he would have nine long months to dwell in the ...