
Showing posts with the label understand Old Testament

Interpreting the Old Testament - Cripplegate

Some time ago Cripplegate wrote an as-condensed-as-possible version of the great story of redemption , tracing God’s gracious promise to provide the seed of the woman to crush the head of the serpent through the Old Testament. We examined how that promise narrowed from the seed of the woman, to the seed of Abraham, to the nation of Israel, and to the line of David. We saw how Israel’s repeated failure to be faithful to the covenants Yahweh established with them all pointed to the One who would exemplify covenant faithfulness and fulfill all righteousness on behalf of His people. To put it another way, contrary to what some believe about dispensationalists and the Old Testament, we observed how the whole of the Old Testament finds its climax and fulfillment in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the seed of the woman, the seed of Abraham, the Israelite par-excellence, and the Son of David. If you’ve not read that post, I’d encourage you to do so. I mentioned in that post that a g