
Showing posts with the label unforgiven

Why Should We Remember what God Forgets?

We serve a forgetful God . This forgetfulness reflects no fault in him, no weakness of his mind or memory. Rather, it reflects the strength of his mercy and grace, for he forgets only what would separate us from him, only what would alienate sinful humans from a holy God. It is our sinfulness that he puts out of his mind, our wickedness that he remembers no more. Though he has seen all the evil we have done and all the good we have left undone, still he has banished it all from his mind. He regards us as if we had never sinned, relates to us as if we had only ever been as righteous as Christ. Such forgetfulness is intentional, not inadvertent, a decision, not a mistake. It is evidence of God’s character, a manifestation of his mercy. And it challenges us all with a question: Why should we remember what God forgets? Why should we dwell upon the sins we have committed that God himself has forgotten? Why should we live in a shameful past that God has already put out of his faultless mind?

Why forgive?

“And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us…” Matthew 6: 12 The words of the Lord’s Prayer roll off our lips with ease. They’re memorized. Recited.  Dull in impact because of overuse and lack of understanding. So, what does it mean to ask God for forgiveness; and to give it to others in a sacred rhythm of grace? Human nature is tricky. We are thankful to receive forgiveness from God, but quick to withhold it from others when we’ve been hurt or offended. Different types of offences strike blows to our lives. Here are three of the most common: Offensive Burs : Like small, sticky thorns that attach to your pants; these are the comments aimed toward you with the intent to hurt. Things said or unsaid that begin to collect in your life. The looks of disgust or disappointment; the shoulder that leaves you out when you want to fit in. Offensive Blows : These are verbal attacks, assaults to your identity or character, actions or words that harm you. Blows to your

Hoonestly - Do you hold bitterness?

It’s inevitable. People are going to hurt us. Even those close to you. In fact, perhaps especially those close to you. With every hurt, there is the potential to wake the bitterness monster. He’s a light sleeper. And he’s more clever than we think. Even a small relationship scuffle is enough to arouse him into action. We mustn’t underestimate him. Bitterness: hurt incurred from either real or perceived offense, gone unchecked, and allowed to continue by failure to apply biblical principles and thinking to the hurt, resulting in hatred and resentment. Bitterness is the quick fix for the flesh. Dealing biblically with conflict and hurt becomes too much work. So, like a spiritual pusher, bitterness offers a quick high. But, though it delivers for a moment, it destroys in the long run. To be sure, real hurt occurs far too often through atrocities such as abuse and criminal acts. In these cases, fighting bitterness can be excruciating. Even and especially so, God extends comforting and