
Showing posts with the label unknown date

Jesus didn't know?

  CHRIST’S SOLEMN ADMONITION (13:32–37) For believers in the present, the revelation in Scripture of the end times is hopeful truth; but for the people alive when these future events occur, this prophecy takes on extreme urgency. As He declared four times in the final verses of Mark 13, people in that generation should stay on the alert (vv. 33, 34, 35, 37). When they see the signs that Jesus described, they should recognize that His return is nearly upon them. Though it will be preceded by visible signs, the exact moment of the second coming will not be revealed to anyone.   As Jesus explained, But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.  Although its timing is fixed in the Father’s plan (Acts 1:7), the Lord’s categorical statement excluded the possibility that anyone could accurately predict His return. The definitive and exhaustive nature of Jesus’ statement indicates that all who would presumptuously set a date for the sec