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Why Gen Z Christians Need Church History

Nobody is exempt from the influence of the environment in which we live, grow, and learn, either for good or for ill. Generation Z (1997–2012) is my generation, and our greatest danger is also our most obvious blessing: the internet. We’ve never lived without it. Witnessing continual technological advancement—and receiving unhindered access to unlimited resources with constantly updated informational tidbits—is normative for my generation. Staying up to date on breaking news is effortless and almost inevitable; we could scarcely avoid it if we tried. Our favorite thing about the news is simply that it’s new. We are a generation obsessed with fads and trends; we want to talk about what everyone else is talking about and do what everyone else is doing. Otherwise, we might miss out and feel as though we have nothing to contribute. Many of us want to build a better future, not reminisce about the past. The former observation is commendable. The latter has devastating consequences. For my g