
Showing posts with the label villian

Is Christianity the villian?

In the Cultural Marxist account of history that has been growing in popularity and influence since the 1960s, Christianity is the villain. This is actually a new phenomenon, and because it is an anti-establishment narrative that has arisen from within the academic establishment, people have yet to come to terms with just how radical it is.  It is a product of the Sexual Revolution and the moral transvaluation of all values in the sexual realm. To be sure, Christianity has had its critics within the West for generations.  Enlightenment historian Edward Gibbon argued that because Christianity was intolerant of paganism, believed in miracles, saw earthly improvement in terms of virtue rather than in material goods, and, above all, comforted itself in a belief in a better life after death, it was the bygone relic of another era and belonged on the ash heap of history. In more recent days, the New Atheists have argued similarly.    Christians irrationally believe in the supernatural; they i