
Showing posts with the label witness

Witnessing to you Muslim Neighbor

“As stewards of the gospel , we must love our Muslim neighbours by presenting Christ to them.” “Since its founding, the Jenkins Center has provided and produced resources to help Christians boldly, respectfully, and relevantly proclaim the gospel to Muslims.” Sharon, who has a burden  to reach the lost, attended a Jenkins Center event, and “I left that hall with tears in my eyes and a burden in my heart.” The Jenkins Center stands on biblical values and offers students a way to learn how to reach their Muslim neighbours. Go Deeper:   Read the full article  here.

Why we share our faith

Scot Lothery We live in a bad-news world. Each morning, we wake up and see it in the headlines on our news apps. In the evening, we see bad news again on the local news. The daily reports are relentless and overwhelmingly negative; the ratio of bad news to good is 10 to 1. Some people suggest this disparity is simply emphasis, but bad news has the upper hand. It always looms on life’s horizon. Every time something good happens, it’s followed by a “Yeah, that’s good, but . . .” That’s not pessimism. It’s the reality in a broken world. As a result, we all need to hear more good news. And not just the temporary sort that makes us feel better for a fleeting moment. Whether believers or unbelievers, we all need a daily dose of good news that transcends all the bad and puts every bit of it in a hope-filled framework. We need a message that flips the script on our bad-news world. That’s precisely what the gospel of Jesus Christ does. His message is so good that no bad news can bring it down.

Sharing the Gospel

My yard is littered with awful yellow weed-flowers. Yes, dandelions. As a kid it was great fun to pluck a fuzzy white one, hold it up, and blow. This scattered the fluff into the air, eventually landing again in the grass. At the time, I had no idea I was spreading this wild invasive weed to disturb the carefully manicured grass. Now as a homeowner and the resident gardener, each weekend I toil to pluck up this weed that seems to spread regardless of what I do to stop it. Dandelions multiply and spread by nature, much like the gospel. Consider for a moment how news of Jesus spread wherever he went (Mark  1:21 –28, 40–45; 5:1–20). Despite Jesus’s best efforts to temper the excitement, his fame and healings spread far and wide. It was like the ripe dandelion scattering into the wind, taking root wherever it flies. The gospel travels like that, from person to person, family to family, and community to community. The word of God takes off like this, with a life of its own, in the

Are you scared - to witness?

“And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.” ( Acts 4:18 ) Every Christian knows that he or she should witness for Christ, but most are very reluctant to speak in His name very often. The most obvious reason for this hesitancy is fear. Sometimes we may be actually forbidden, as were the apostles, to teach of Him, but their courageous answer was: “We ought to obey God rather than men” ( Acts 5:29 ), and so they prayed: “Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word” ( Acts 4:29 ). More common than fear of physical persecution or personal harm, however, is fear of ridicule, or loss of prestige or position. Such fear is out of character for real Christians, “for God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” ( 2 Timothy 1:7 ). If we love the Lord and those for whom He died, we must learn to conquer our fear of men. One of the sadd