
Showing posts with the label witnessing Christian

What is Christianity all about?

The essence of the Christian message is called the gospel, which means “good news.” It is the message of how men and women can have peace with God.  The gospel explains how we can be forgiven of sin and how we can have eternal life in heaven. It tells us about God’s righteous expectations, man’s hopeless condition, Jesus’ perfect sacrifice, and our necessary response. God’s Righteous Expectations The Bible begins by telling us that God is the creator and sustainer of the universe (Genesis 1:1; Acts 17:24–27). He is therefore the rightful ruler of all things ( 1 Timothy 6:15 ), meaning that He alone deserves the heartfelt worship and obedience of every person (Exodus 20:3).  In fact, the reason God created human beings was so they would lovingly serve Him and bring Him glory as the caretakers of this earth (Genesis 1:28; Isaiah 43:7), and so that as a result they might find perfect fulfillment and joy in their loving fellowship with Him (cf. Revelation 21:2–3; 22:3–4). The Scr