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Islam News

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Kirkuk Christians and Muslims unite in prayer to Our Lady for Peace in Iraq by Joseph Mahmoud

Punjab: armed gang attacks Protestant clergyman who is saved by Muslims
 by Jibran Khan
Muslim extremists ambush the pastor, fire at his car. The pastor and the people travelling with him were able to escape and find refuge in a Muslim village. Residents, who fired back at the attackers, force them to flee.

The future of the “Arab Spring”, held back by poverty and fundamentalism
by Samir Khalil Samir
In Egypt and elsewhere, the new attempts at democracy risk failure because of the enormous poverty, ignorance, fundamentalism. The West can not just sit back and watch or take on policing duties. It should intervene in the economy, education, joint projects between Christians and Muslims to show that coexistence is possible

Christians in the Middle East
 By George Weigel
90% of Christian Arabs live in conditions of dhimmitude today, including the Copts in Egypt, the Chaldeans and Assyrians in Iraq, and the Greek Orthodox and Melkites in Syria, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority. These are the Christians at greatest risk from Islamism and jihadism. Vibrant Christian communities can be a check on Islamism and jihadism by promoting Islamic moderation and openness.
‘Shariah in Egypt is enough for us,’ Muslim Brotherhood leader says

Spencer: Egypt Rushes Toward Sharia and War
 by Robert Spencer

The Dark Side of the Arab Spring 
- American Spectator
If you want to understand how grim the future looks for Christians in the Middle East, go to Baghdad, where the continuing sectarian violence has driven most of them out of the city and the country. Now 80 percent of Iraqi Christians have emigrated.

Toronto mosque again caught advocating stonings and amputations, persecution of non-Muslims

At Least 80% U.S. Mosques Promote Violent Jihad
 - Townhall
The central problem with most Islamic analysis is that it underestimates the weight of the moral and intellectual chains imposed on Islam by its founder and his early followers.

Five Common Misconceptions About Islam
 - New Oxford Review
Andrew Bieszad has a master’s degree in Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations from Hartford Seminary in Connecticut.
Misconception #1: The Bible & the Koran Are Basically the Same
Misconception #2: God & Allah Are One & the Same
Misconception #3: Mohammed Was a Prophet
Misconception #4: Islam Is a celigion of Peace
Misconception #5: Muslims Never Convert to Christianity

Punjab: acquittal for 70 Muslim extremists on trial for the Gojra massacre
 by Jibran Khan, Asia News
In August 2009, ten people died, eight burnt alive. Four churches were destroyed. Threats against Christian witnesses force them to flee to avoid further violence. Muslim leader says Christians “deserve” to be murdered.
Van Impe ministry abandons TBN in clash over Islam by Joe Schimmel
...chilling is the fact that over 300 prominent Christian leaders signed a letter issued by the Yale Center for Faith and Culture claiming that world peace is dependent on Muslims and Christians recognizing ‘Allah’ and ‘Yahweh’ as the same God.

Suspect’s Muslim faith not an issue in Pentagon bomb scare?
- Catholic Culture

Iran tests missiles for hitting Israel, US bases, first space monkey in July 
- Debka

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