Reluctant Revolutionaries
Perhaps the most notable aspect of America’s revolutionary period was that its chief protagonists were not particularly revolutionary. From Samuel Adams to George Washington, from Patrick Henry to Samuel Chase, the leaders of the American cause were profoundly conservative. They were loathe to indulge in any kind of radicalism that might erupt into violence—rhetorical, political, or martial. For the most part they were the faithful sons of colonial gentry. They were devoted to conventional Whig principles: the rule of law, noblesse oblige, unswerving honor, squirey superintendence, and the maintenance of corporate order. They believed in a tranquil and settled society free of the raucous upsets and tumults of agitation, activism, and unrest.
It took more than the Boston Massacre, more than Lexington and Concord, more than Bunker Hill, and more than Ticonderoga to provoke the patriots to commit themselves to forceful secession. Even as late as the first week of July 1776, there was no solid consensus among the members of the Continental Congress that “such an extreme as full-scale revolt,” as John Dickinson dubbed it, was necessary. That week, the “Declaration of Independence,” drafted by a commi
The patriots were, at best, reluctant revolutionaries.
Why then did they rebel? What could possibly have so overcome their native conservatism? It was traditionalism, commitment to those things that transcend the ever-shifting tides of situation and circumstance, that finally drove them to arms. They fought against king and motherland in order to preserve that which king and motherland represented.
According to John Adams, in his manifesto The Rule of Law and the Rule of Men, it is the “duty of all men” to “protect the integrity of liberty” whenever the “laws of God,” the “laws of the land,” and the “laws of the common inheritance” are “profligately violated.” Justice demands, he argued, “a defense of the gracious endowments of Providence to mankind,” including “life, liberty, and property.”
To deny this duty is to insure the reduction of “the whole of society” to the “bonds of servility.”
Patrick Henry agreed, asserting that it was only a “grave res
According to John Hancock, the Americans had been “denied representation” in either “the taxing authorities of parliament or of the trade boards.” In addition, their colonial charters had been “subverted or even abrogated,” their “citizenship rights” according to English common law had been “violated,” and their “freedom of religious practice” had been “curtailed.” Thus, rule of the colonies had become “arbitrary and capricious”; it had become “supra-legal”; it had become “intolerable.” Under such circumstances “a holy duty” demanded “a holy response.”
The emerging consensus among American politicians—that antinomian encroachments upon order could not be any longer ignored—was confirmed in American pulpits. The conservative colonial pastors certainly
Thus, “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” was a favorite pastoral text—as were “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” and “Take away your exactions from my people, saith the LORD God.”
The churches of America were generally agreed that “Where tyranny begins government ends,” as Samuel West of Dartmouth declared, “and the good Christian must needs be certain to oppose such lawless encroachments, however bland or bold.”
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