Naseli top 30 theological posts

Top theological posts from a reformed position 
  1. Diabolical Ventriloquism: A 1-Sentence Summary of Each of Screwtape’s Letters
  2. How should churches relate to others with same-sex attractions? Read Peter Hubbard.
  3. 3 Reasons I Don’t Enthusiastically Recommend the History Channel’s “The Bible: The Epic Miniseries”
  4. Wayne Grudem on the Jason Bourne Films
  5. Piper Illustrates for Children How Faith Glorifies God
  6. Keller and Carson: Greco-Roman Slavery ≠ Race-Based Slavery
  7. Don Whitney: How Can I Be Sure I’m a Christian?
  8. Top 10 Tips for Being Clearer
  9. How a Recent Thesis Defines the Glory of God
  10. 6 Discontinuities between the Old and New Covenants
  11. Carson: The most painful things I’ve ever borne are betrayals by Christian friends
  12. How to Listen on Double Speed with an iPhone or iPod
  13. How Reliable Is Your Memory? 3 Practical Lessons
  14. Murray Harris’s 6-Page Expanded Paraphrase of Colossians
  15. Joshua Harris’s New Book: Humble Orthodoxy
  16. The Best Book on Sexual Purity
  17. MacArthur: “It’s very easy to be hard to understand”
  18. Ben Witherington: “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away” is “not good theology”
  19. What Is the Message of Each Book of the Bible?
  20. Brothers, We Are Not Professionals
  21. How to Disagree with Other Christians about Disputable Matters
  22. Exulting in Harry Potter
  23. How Should Parents Discipline Their Children? Is Spanking Wrong?
  24. An Unmistakable Sign of a Legalistic Spirit
  25. We’re Moving to Minneapolis: 5 Reasons We’re Excited to Serve at Bethlehem College and Seminary
  26. Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts
  27. Why You Should Not Be Dogmatic about All of Your Convictions: Lloyd-Jones on Silk Stockings, Baths, Radios, and More
  28. The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson
  29. Why It’s Important to Understand Direct vs. Mitigated Speech
  30. The 2 Issues I Most Frequently Address When Copy-Editing

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