Will a third temple be built during the end times?

Dome of the Rock (Skalní dóm)
Dome of the Rock (Skalní dóm) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Will a third temple be built? This is a possibility, although at present it is impossible to imagine how this could happen, given the political and religious situation in Jerusalem in particular and in the world at large. Orthodox Jews who want to build a third temple would be able to do so only if they could get the Israeli government to occupy the temple mount and either tear down the Dome of the Rock and build the third temple at the spot some believe was the location of Solomon’s temple, or build the temple between the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque (as others suggest for the location of Solomon’s temple). This scenario is not feasible politically, as the violent reaction of the Muslim world can only be imagined,18 and as none of the (mostly secular) Israeli governments have any motivation to build a Jewish temple and renew the sacrificial cult.

Given the significance of Jesus as described in the New Testament, both for Jewish and Gentile believers, the building of a third temple would have no theological, salvific, or spiritual significance. Believers in Jesus accept his word that “salvation is from the Jews” (John 4:22). And they are convinced that the hour has come when the true worshippers “worship the Father neither on this mountain [Garizim] nor in Jerusalem” but everywhere “in spirit and truth” (vv. 21, 23).

Will there be a new temple in the millennium? This is possible, given Ezekiel’s prophecy of a temple, which has not been built. On the other hand, this is not certain given Jesus’ assertion that he is God’s temple, given Paul’s assertion that the Jewish and Gentile church is God’s holy temple, and given the teaching that the church is the messianic people of God.

Schnabel, E. J. (2011). 40 Questions about the End Times. (B. L. Merkle, Ed.) (pp. 149–150). Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic & Professional.

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