Moses overcomes Egyptian magic trick

For every man threw down his rod, and they became serpents. But Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods (Ex. 7:12).

The first time that Moses appealed to Pharaoh, he did so in word only. But this time Moses is directed to prove that he is God’s messenger: “Show a miracle for yourselves.” no doubt, Pharaoh said this hoping that none would be wrought. But even if Moses did do something supernatural, Pharaoh was prepared to discredit him. He had called his wise men to counter anything Moses might do. So when the staff of Aaron turned into a serpent, the wise men cast down their staffs, transforming them into snakes. Pharaoh must have been quite proud of himself. But there was more to come. Moses’ serpent swallowed the others, thus testifying to the power and supremacy of Yahweh. Still, Pharaoh hardened his heart to the plain truth.

This is a classic example of a man who refuses to believe. He demands evidence, he demands proof in the form of a miracle, and when a miracle is delivered, he hardens his heart. He does so first by turning to worldly methods to discredit divine power. But such methods are only cheap imitations, and the powerful truth of God is immediately revealed.

But how were the wise men able to imitate this miracle? Some believe that God Himself transformed the staffs so that Pharaoh’s heart would be hardened, in a sense, giving him what he wanted and thus condemning him by it. Others maintain that while God certainly allowed this to happen, it was actually accomplished by evil angels who produced the illusion of snakes. Either way, the imitation was nothing more than a lie. The snakes of the wise men were an illusion that the serpent of God quickly devoured. Yet, even confronted by this, Pharaoh refused to believe.

Many people who demand evidence of God, who say they will believe the Bible only when they see a miracle, are setting themselves up for a fall. Unbelief is rooted in their hearts, and no miracle will ever change that. No matter what they see, they will always come up with a cheap imitation or some proof of their own that they think discredits the Word of God. Only when God changes a man’s heart can he believe the truth. Until that happens, no miracle, no argument, no proof will make him believe. Read John 6:31–47. What evidence did Jesus produce that He had been sent by God? Even though many of the people saw signs and wonders, why did they not believe? Using Luke 11:29 and John 4:48 along with verses below, what would you say to someone who demanded a sign to legitimize God’s Word?

(1998). Tabletalk Magazine, February 1998: Te Absolvum, 25.

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