James - New Testament Book of Wisdom

James is sometimes called the "New Testament book of Proverbs." That's because of passages such as James 4 that give us a series of loosely linked aphorisms of practical, godly wisdom. This chapter begins with our universal concern about conflict:

What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend on your passions. (James 4:1-3)
The world is marked by warfare. There's global war and national conflict; there's warfare in the church; there's warfare in the community; there's warfare in the home—there's conflict all around us. James says that these quarrels, fights, disputes, and contentions come from within, from the fallenness of our hearts. The motivation for these conflicts is envy, or covetousness, which is a transgression we rarely hear about in our own day.

Conflict is the fruit of covetous hearts that want what others have. Now, it's not inherently wrong to want something we don't have. James' statement that we do not have because we do not ask implicitly calls us to ask God to give us our desires. We should feel no shame when we desire good things as long as our desire does not make those good things into idols. The warning against covetousness comes into play when James acknowledges that sometimes we ask wrongly for what we don't have. Sometimes we ask for good things in the wrong spirit.

What does this mean? Consider that we ask for things because we believe they will make us happy. This turns into covetousness when we believe that we have an inalienable right to pursue pleasure as the source of happiness. Maximizing pleasure is our culture's chief goal, but happiness and pleasure are profoundly different.

I'm not opposed to pleasure. I enjoy pleasure. But remember, sin is tempting because it can be pleasurable—in the short term. We sin because we think it will feel good. Every time we sin, we believe the original lie of Satan, who tempts us that we will be happy if we get the pleasure we want. Hedonism, which defines the good in terms of the pleasurable, is the oldest philosophy to oppose God.
However, sin never brings happiness—the state of inner delight, blessedness, and contentment wherein there is no room for greed or covetousness. Christians know moments of happiness, when we are alone in the presence of God, in fellowship with Him, and it is enough to know our sins have been forgiven. But soon we forget and we're worrying about the bills. Suddenly, we say, "If I just had a little bit more money, if I just had a better car, if I just had a nicer house, I'd finally be happy."

After explaining conflict's source, James reveals what ends it and brings true happiness:
But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Submit yourselves therefore to God...Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you. (James 4:6-7, 10)
Humility is the secret to a happy life. What is humility? Scripture does not say the humble person is Mr. Milquetoast, the wishy-washy person, the spineless man who is a doormat for the world; rather, the humble person is one who fears God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and such fear flows from a heart that is in awe of God and bows to His authority.

The opposite of humility is arrogance. To think God owes us every pleasure we want manifests an unspeakable arrogance that presumes to critique God's provision for us. Every time we start fighting over what we don't have, our struggle is ultimately with the Lord. Is anything more foolish than warring with God? Opposition from God is opposition with a capital O. He's the last being I want to have opposing me. God opposes the proud, so we need to get this maxim from James into our souls: "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

If there's anything that we ought to be in a passionate quest to achieve, it's the grace of God. By definition, grace is not something you can earn. You can receive grace only if God in His mercy gives it to you. It's a gift. You can't buy, earn, or merit it. God gives grace to the humble because they understand the graciousness of grace. Humility willingly submits one's life to God's sovereign mercy. Humble people recognize that the Lord doesn't owe them anything.

Do we want more grace? Let's try a little more humility. Do we seek less opposition from God? Let's do away with our pride. We must remember that we are unworthy servants throwing ourselves on the mercy of the court. When we enter God's presence and demand that He give us something or try to persuade Him to give us something as if we were His counselors who advise Him of a better way of doing things, we've entered into His presence not boldly as the Bible calls us to do, but arrogantly. We must come to Him in thanksgiving and praise for the grace we've already received. The more humble we are, the more grace we get. The prouder we are, the more God opposes us.

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