How to respond to our sexualized world

Paul understood that his Corinthian audience faced powerful sexual temptations. In Corinth, the sights and sounds of sex were almost as prevalent as in our own sensual society. He knew that the opportunity to act on such stimulation would be a normal part of life, just as it is today for those of us who live and work in this society.

Consider the brazen obedience of Joseph in Genesis 39:7–13. We imagine that as he did each day, Joseph dutifully cared for the small palace. As he entered the cool, dark bedroom, someone roughly pushed him from behind. As he fell forward onto the bed, he didn’t even need to turn around to see who assaulted him. He knew. Even if he couldn’t smell her alluring perfume, he would have know that Potiphar’s wife was making another brazen sexual advance towards him. He rolled off the other side of the bed, rising to see the flushed face of his master’s wife. There was no small talk this time—she came straight to the point, indelicately demanding that Joseph submit himself to her wishes.

This next section is key. People who are faced with sexual temptation must heed the example of Joseph at this point. Joseph gave two reasons why he would not submit himself to her seduction. First, the practical—“With me in charge,” he told her, “my master does not concern himself with anything in the house; everything he owns he has entrusted to my care. No one is greater in this house than I am” (vv. 8–9). In other words, why do this? Why take a chance on losing everything for a moment with you? His second point is a theological one—“How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” (v. 10). His faith in God’s revealed will concerning sexual conduct (Gen. 2:24) was the second way he resisted the schemes of Potiphar’s wife.

Joseph recognized that to have sex with this woman would be the equivalent of spitting not only on Potiphar’s face, but on the face of God as well. His betrayal would show deep dissatisfaction at the blessings given by each of his masters to him.

What would be the consequences of acting on the sexual temptation you face? Before you do such a thing, make a list of all the people and things you would lose if you give into the seduction of this sin. Think of how it would reveal your faithlessness in God and His promises. Today, thank God that He has been faithful and true to you and ask Him for the grace to remain so to Him.

Barnes, R. (1996). Weekend: Brazen Obedience. (R. C. Sproul Jr., Ed.)Tabletalk Magazine, April 1996: Total Depravity, 46.

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