Dennis Evans miracle

About 15 years ago God showed me the results of tithing and believing (faith) so quickly that I was pleasantly surprised by it and I still am today.

God does not require us to give our all, but I did, especially when things started to get desperate with my cash situation, he wants to bless us, and by us, I mean everyone who follows his word. At the time I was reading the bible and came to the book of Malachi. When I read God saying for us to test him and see if he doesn’t fill our coffers, this really stirred me into action.

It was a few years after my stroke which had left me with many problems, I could not do any physical work anymore (no way to earn a wage) and had used all my cash funds up on trying to stay alive. Then one Friday afternoon I went to the ATM to get some cash-out and found that there was only $50 left, after withdrawing this I was in a quandary on how I should use it. After much pain, I departed with my last and gave it to my Church on Sunday.

On waking up Monday morning I had this compelling desire to head for Jimboomba to look at some land, I told my wife what I thought was God speaking to me and that he wanted me to go to Jimboomba for something about land.

So, I headed for Jimboomba (about 80 kilometres from home) I kept driving through Jimboomba because I did not know why I was going there, I finally stopped down a dirt track in the middle of nowhere and I was shocked that there were no sounds coming from the bush, no birds or anything so I turned around after discussing with God why? I was here, then went back to town for a coffee.

There was a Real Estate Agent across the road, so I went in to see what was for sale in this area to develop, the agent said everything was sold in the last real estate boom, but he was playing squash with someone on Tamborine Mountain last night (Sunday night) and he wanted to sell his Land of 35 acres. He had partially developed a section and had the balance approved for about 100 Lots around 20 or so years ago.

I thought it was a waste of time, but I went home via Beaudesert anyway to look at the land, it was very bushy with grass higher than my head in places, but I struggled through the bush to look at it and thought this is ok if the price was right and I could find someone to partner me in developing it.

It was late, so I headed home but as soon as I sat in the car a voice kept repeating $9,916-00 I checked my back seat, but I was all alone. I turned the wireless up loud, but the voice became louder, this happened all the way home. As soon as I pulled into my driveway it stopped, I talked to my wife about this but all she said was, it doesn’t matter because we haven’t any money to buy anything.

That night I talked to God about what was happening trying to get an answer but there was no reply. When I woke on Tuesday morning I had the same desire to head back to the land and so off I went, the voice started again as soon as my car hit the road, all the way to Beaudesert $9,916-00 (I had no idea what this meant, it was crazy to me at the time) but when I got there I went to the Council to check out the so-called Development Application and to see what was owing on the land.

To my big surprise, I found out the Land was in Credit of $286,670-00 this was because the Headworks Fees that were paid for the development many years ago, maybe this Application could still be resurrected I thought.

I asked the person at Council could I borrow a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote down $286,670 then $9,916 this came to $296,586 I added the REIQ fee of $8,414. All this came to exactly $305,000.

I thought the land would be worth at least $2million but was God trying to tell me I could buy it for only $305,000 and in credit of nearly the same amount. 

Crazy thoughts again. I thought even if I could, I have still got to have money, but I headed for Jimboomba anyway to see the Agent. When I was driving there I felt I might be able to get a loan against my Home which I owned outright.

When I got to the Real Estate Agent I said I would like to make an offer, he could not wait to sit me down and grab a contract. He swore profusely at me when I told him of my offer and said I was just wasting his time, but by law he had to write down the contract with my clauses and take my deposit cheque which I said could not be deposited until both parties had signed and agreed to all conditions (this would also give me time to get funds into cheque account).

I prayed all the way home that I would get a loan to cover my crazy decision (would I have the knowledge and ability now after my stroke to do this)? I rang my Bank Manager whom I knew well, and he called into my place that night and discussed the purchase. He called me Wednesday night to say he would arrange a loan for $480,000, this was enough cover the Land plus the interest charges that will occur also some living expenses until I reorganized everything. Whoever heard of a Bank lending someone with no income, God can do anything especially out of the ordinary.

The agent phoned me to say congratulations as the owner had signed the contract.

How good is God, in less than 2 weeks he turned my lousy $50 into an asset of millions? Over the next 5 months, I resurrected the Development Application and it was approved for 98 Lots, by then I had a contractor to do the works so 6 months after my tithe the project started.

I had many problems throughout the development including the banks tightening up and refusing to honour the new $8million loan I had negotiated to cover the development costs, but after many more prayers God came through at the last moment via my Solicitor, at the time I was in debt of around $700,000 because the earthworks on the estate were continuing.

The economy was dropping quickly, and I thought I hope the sales go well because if they don’t I am gone. I took an educated gamble and registered all Lots as people were wanting different sections of the estate. The problem with this is the Council rates started on all 98 Lots (everything costs money, have you ever paid 40 or 50 council rates in one go)?

As I was sitting in my mobile office reading the Bible, a Builder came up and bought 20 Lots then 2 ladies came in their lunch hour and bought one each, God was at work while I just read the Bible and relaxed (PSALM 46:10 - be still and know that I am God).

The project had just finished all the works and only 18 lots left to sell, once again God sent me a buyer and project completed successfully.

God is Good.

What God did for me he will do similar for you, just trust him and don’t give up.

Many times, God answered my prayers throughout this project but never immediately and never the way I thought he would, just trust in him and he will get you the results but not the way you thought he would.

Written by Dennis Evans (June 2018)

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