God Blesses Holiness, Not Pastoral Talent

Constantly Turn from Sin

It’s a very simple thing to go down the path of sanctification. Through prayer, cry out to the Lord, confess your sins, repent of your sins, and turn from your sins so that you’re constantly cleansing your heart in an honest way. That goes back to what Paul said to Timothy, If A man cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel fit for the master’s use. (2 Tim. 2)

God doesn't bless great - God blesses holiness

That says it all. If you’re not cleansed from the things that corrupt your life, you’re not a vessel fit for the Master’s use. You may be able to get a crowd, you may be able to entertain some people and keep their attention, but it’s not great talent God blesses; it’s great holiness.

Be Filled with the Word

A clean sword is an awesome weapon in the hand of God. So, first of all, it’s a matter of constantly coming before the Lord to have your heart cleansed in repentance.

And then you need to be in the word of God. You need to be in the word of God consistently because as David said, Your word has I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you. (Ps. 119:11)

Or, as Jesus said, Sanctify them by thy truth, thy word is truth. (John 17:17) If you spend time in the word of God, it does its purifying work. Openhearted, constant repentance from sin and a heart filled with the deep riches of the word of God are means of grace.

These are the tools that the Spirit of God uses to sanctify you. If you think you have an effect now without those things, it’s superficial. Step into that zone and watch what the Lord will do with your life on an eternal basis.

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