What shall I do with my life?


"God has made us what we are, and in our union, with Christ Jesus, he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do” (Eph 2:10).

The age of youth, especially the teenage years, is like setting sail out of a safe, small harbor (your home and family). Once the ship is at sea, it can turn many different ways and set its course for many different destinations. Soon, you will be making decisions that will affect the rest of your life: college, friends, marriage, career. You may be feeling insecure, unsure, and afraid, like a small boat sailing out into a great, dark, stormy sea.

There is One greater than the sea, One who stilled the storms. Read Luke 8:22–25. If you “put your hand in the hand of the Man who stilled the waters”, he will lead you. He promised, “I will be with you always” (Mt 28:20, the very last verse in that Gospel). If you trust him to lead you, then your path through life will be the right one because it will be his path.

I cannot tell you the answer to your question “What shall I do with my life?” because it is your life, not mine. But it is also God’s life (Gal 2:20). He created you. He designed you. Let him design your life.

I cannot tell you the answer to your question, “What shall I do with my life?” because I do not know you personally. But he does. He knows every tiny thing about you. “Even the hairs of your head have all been counted” (Lk 12:7).

Pray for his guidance and you will get it. “Anyone who seeks [me] will find [me]” (Mt 7:8). He promised that, and he wants us to claim that promise.

Kreeft, P. J. 

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