God Gives What the World Cannot

2 Timothy 1:7

When we are facing troubles what is our default response? Do we look to God and his Word for our perfect and present help? Or do we succumb to the emotional roller coaster ride that swings between sudden distress and overwhelming panic?

The Choice is Ours

When life doesn’t make sense, God promises a priceless gift for the asking. When we go to him we can receive something better than relief from our distresses. It’s true. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7).

Help is There for the Asking

This verse in 2 Timothy helps us navigate some of life’s most difficult circumstances and instructs us as to how we should respond when life doesn’t make any sense from our perspective. Look at the bold statements used here. God has NOT given us a spirit of fear. Rather, God HAS given us a spirit described as powerful; and loving; and we have a sound mind to boot. Wow! What an amazing three-pronged promise.

Power, Love, Sound Mind

When you review these three God-given characteristics…which do you most value?

Of these three attributes: power; love; and sound mind, which of them do you struggle with most? In other words, what is your personal weak link among these three?

Ask God to enable you to view your current most troubling trial from his perspective. Then ask God to equip you to face your challenges by fully receiving his gift of courage to step forward in his power; his love; and with a sound mind.

God Equips Us to Meet Our Challenges

Since life is always in motion, one would assume that Christians who are sojourning through this life would expect that some seasons may have us struggling to keep pace. Given that every person’s life is fraught with challenges; disappointments; setbacks; and failure; God wants us to allow this truth, this amazing life-giving promise from 2 Timothy into the deepest parts of our hearts and minds.

God knows our frame and that we are but dust. And yet, he graciously beckons us to continue stepping up and stepping into the plan he has for our lives despite our fears of failing…again. Meditate on the promises God offers in this verse then quietly observe how your “next steps” will be affected.

Questions for Personal Reflection:

When amid a life-altering circumstance does your heart and mind respond with faith or fear? How does knowing this 2 Timothy promise to give you confidence in God’s perfect provision?

As you consider the challenges in your life, think about how these difficulties can become the impetus to positive changes within. Memorize this passage of Scripture as a continual reminder that God is equipping you with inner tools to face your giants.

Today remember to take time to quietly meditate upon this verse, word by word. Silently read and then reread this passage to cement its powerful truth into your heart and mind.

Take time each day this week to journal how God is working in and through the challenges ahead of you. Be sure to take note of his blessings and encouragements each and every day.


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