Victory has a voice

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: And they that love it shall eat its fruit.”

I want to illustrate the story of King Ahab to show the importance of declaring victory over your life. This king of Israel had agreed to let the enemy come in and take some of his belongings. 

But when the adversary demanded even more, King Ahab said, “Tell my lord the king, ‘Your servant will do all you demanded the first time, but this demand I cannot meet.’” Something snapped in Ahab, and he decided at that moment that he had given up all that he was going to give up. The enemy will never be satisfied. 

There needs to come a time when you decide to stop letting negative thoughts and words control your life. Satan’s goal is to kill, steal, and destroy you and your family, but if you can change the narrative, you can change the outcome. 

Victory has a voice. Don’t let the enemy, circumstances, the world, or other people’s opinions control the narrative of your life. You may believe you don’t have hope or a future, but Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and life more abundantly.” 

The enemy wants you to go around being bitter and defeated, but you can take a stand and declare victory. Don’t just accept defeat. Because of Jesus, you have abundance, protection, and blessing. 

No weapon formed against you will prosper! So quit believing what the enemy is saying and start saying what God says about you!

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