Is the Calvinism and Arminian debate over?

Let’s examine the five points of Calvinism. Are they still relevant today? 1. Dead in Total Depravity The issue is: At the point of my conversion, was I dead? Was I dead? Was I utterly incapable of seeing or savouring Jesus Christ as my supreme treasure? Answer: yes, I was . I was dead, blind, spiritually incapable of believing on Jesus. First Corinthians 2:14: “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God.” No way. I’m stiff-arming them totally in my deadness and fallenness and blindness. They are folly to me. I’m not able to understand them. They are spiritually discerned, and I don’t have the Holy Spirit. I hate God, and I love myself, and I am in bondage. The question is not one of time . And the answer makes all the difference in the world about whether you praise yourself or praise your God in speechless wonder that you are now a lover of Jesus — that you can see the light of the glory of the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4). John Piper now sees the l...