Why Should We Teach Children about Church History?

Children, and, sadly, many adults have the idea that history is boring, far too full of dates and politics to be of any practical use. After all, what point is there to knowing about the Peloponnesian Wars or whether Christopher Columbus really discovered America first? What many of us miss in history is the people. Each of those historical figures lived their lives as we do: birth, growing up, career, death, and all with a mixture of joy and sadness. And each of those lives had an impact on the world around them. Some are lost in the mists of time, while others were the movers and shakers of world events. Those people and their stories are what history is all about. Learn about the people, and the stories of history come together. Having said all that, why do we have to introduce children to church history? Surely there are more important things they need to learn first. History can wait. But can it? As Christians, we have duty to our children to teach them about their heritage as par...