
Showing posts with the label Brian Houston

Hillsong Pastor Brian Houston reflections on the Australian Census

CHURCHES MUST CHANGE - BRIAN HOUSTON , HILLSONG The census results that revealed a small drop in the number of people calling themselves “Christian”, and less people identifying themselves as being affiliated with any religion, should be a wake-up call for the Christian church across Australia . While these results were not unexpected, the census also showed the changing social values our country is facing including a rise in the number of people following the Muslim faith. Again, this is not surprising, as it is clear that Australia’s immigration policies are having an impact on the texture and makeup of our society. Yet as a Christian pastor it does concern me that what I see as the foundations of our community — the values that bring us together — are being diminished, and the faith that has shaped our nation for so long is declining. While many Australians are not practising Christians and value, as I do, the many different cultures that form our country, I believe th

Experiencing God's Glory

For most, glory is associated with personal glory —the “glory days” of one’s youth, days of lost innocence, boundless energy, unfettered imagination, and uncomplicated living. The Bible, however, moves beyond “glory” in the past tense to an emphasis on glory in the present and future tenses based upon the possibility of a relationship with the God of glory. The word “glory” is derived from a Hebrew root that may mean “heavy,” “weighty,” or “numerous, severe” in a physical sense (that is, severe famine, Gen. 12:10; heavy yoke, 1 Kgs. 12:4). The related term kabod expresses the attribute of “glory,” “honor,” “splendor” as a derived meaning of the primary idea of weightiness or gravity (for example, Num. 24:11; Job 19:9; Prov. 3:16, 35). In the Old Testament, glory may be applied to a finely crafted object in the sense of cleverness of design, intricacy of artistic work, and beauty (Exod. 28:40).  When applied to human beings, glory signifies dignity or respect as a characteristic

Do I love Gay People? - Pastor Brian Houston

I love and care about people – from all walks of life; people with various beliefs, ethics, perspectives and lifestyles. I care that humanity and some within the Christian church can be so quick to alienate and ostracise others who are different than them; those who live differently, think differently, speak differently. I also live by my own convictions, and hold to traditional Christian thought on gay lifestyles and gay marriage. I do believe God’s word is clear that marriage is between a man and a woman. The writings of the apostle Paul in scripture on the subject of homosexuality are also clear, as I have mentioned in previous public statements. Hillsong Church welcomes ALL people but does not affirm all lifestyles. Put clearly, we do not affirm a gay lifestyle and because of this we do not knowingly have actively gay people in positions of leadership, either paid or unpaid. I recognise this one statement alone is upsetting to people on both sides of this discussion, which poi

Interview with Brian Houston from Hillsong

English: Hillsong Church logo. Category:Australian Christian Churches Category:Christian images (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Eternity’s editor John Sandeman sits down with Brian Houston during Hillsong ’s 2015 Conference, Australia ’s largest Christian gathering. I want to ask you about theme of this Hillsong Conference “Speak … we’re listening”. Can I ask you about a time in your life when you believe God spoke to you and said, “Brian, just keep on what you are doing, you are doing fantastically well” and maybe there’s a time when God said, “Brian, I really want you to change something you are doing.” Look I could tell you many stories across my life of significant moments, when God has spoken to me directing a vision which today has framed many different aspects of our work. I find it happens at the most unexpected times. It’s been on airplanes. I was on an airplane way back in the early years of our church. I really got just a dream in my heart. It was called ‘International

Carl Lentz -Hillsong Conference: We are Sheep!

During Hillsong Conference Sydney , Pastor Brian Houston asked Carl Lentz to speak on Hillsong NYC. Carl delivered a message about the church 's humble beginnings and the importance of remaining close to God through life's highs and lows. "The story of Hillsong Church has never been about chasing a movie, or chasing the spotlight, it's always been about chasing the Shepherd! Sometimes when you don't know the journey, people can look at certain moments and say that they want that but they don't understand that our pastors , all they've done their whole lives is chase the shepherd ," said Lentz. His message was given days after Hillsong announced a new film "Let Hope Rise," which will document the international rise of the church's Hillsong UNITED worship band, is currently in the works. Lentz's message was solely focused on Psalm 23 but he also addressed the speculation that people oftentimes make when pastors and

Steve Furtick - Don't Stop on six! - Hillsong Conference

Heard a great message at Hillsong Conference a few weeks ago on Jericho from Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church using Jericho titled "Don't Stop On 6". The point that stuck with me was that those with Joshua had no idea how many times they would circle Jericho before the walls would come down.  I thought there was a powerful metaphor in that for us to not give up when facing our walls. Don't give up fighting through your trials because this may be the last time around the wall before it comes tumbling down. Just keep marching as if it was the 6th day, you never know what God will do. Pastor Brian Houston from Hillsong Conference Sydney - No Other Name spoke highly of this message from Steve Furtick. #NoOtherName. Thank you Steve!  Related articles Hillsong Worship: Latest Hillsong album 'No Other Name' to be rebranded ( Greg Laurie promotes Furtick's new book ( A Baptist Pastor goes

Bill Hybels - The 15 minutes devotions in your favourite chair - Hillsong Conference

Bill Hybels shared at Hillsong Conference the message: 15 minutes with God. He challenged his friend about allocating time to have devotions and meet with god. Years later he met this same friend who looked completely different. Bill had a meal at his house and the man showed him his rocking chair . Bill had challenged him about his devotions, so he bought a good rocking chair, got his coffee, Bile and chair and started a life changing habit. Bill encouraged the Hillsong Conference to allocate time to God each day by doing the same thing. Brain Houston, thanked Bill for his insight and contribution over the years to the Christian church in Australia.  Related articles Hillsong - Australia's most powerful brand ( A Baptist Pastor goes to a Hillsong Conference! ( Hillsong Conference 2013 ... On Live! ( SOAR 2014 Song List ( Colour 2013 ( C

Brian Houston: The seven most important decisions in your life - Hillsong London Conference

Hillsong Church London logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Brian Houston , senior pastor of Hillsong , led a "Let's talk church" segment on the final morning of the Hillsong Conference in London . Joined by a panel which included his wife, Bobbie, and Gary and Cathy Clarke, who head up Hillsong London , Brian led a discussion on the importance of good decisions, and making a positive impact on the lives of generations to come. "Some of you haven't met your children yet, but you're making decisions now that will affect them," Brian noted. "We can't be indecisive - never underestimate the power of decisions. There is no such thing as a small decision, if the consequences are great - that's just a big decision in disguise." He offered some general advice, suggesting that we "don't make permanent decisions in temporary circumstances," before highlighting the seven most significant decisions Christians are faced with in life