Hillsong Pastor Brian Houston reflections on the Australian Census

CHURCHES MUST CHANGE - BRIAN HOUSTON , HILLSONG The census results that revealed a small drop in the number of people calling themselves “Christian”, and less people identifying themselves as being affiliated with any religion, should be a wake-up call for the Christian church across Australia . While these results were not unexpected, the census also showed the changing social values our country is facing including a rise in the number of people following the Muslim faith. Again, this is not surprising, as it is clear that Australia’s immigration policies are having an impact on the texture and makeup of our society. Yet as a Christian pastor it does concern me that what I see as the foundations of our community — the values that bring us together — are being diminished, and the faith that has shaped our nation for so long is declining. While many Australians are not practising Christians and value, as I do, the many different cultures that form our country, I believe th...